Last summer I spent a little over 2 months in the Dominican Republic serving with TIME Ministries. Along with 4 other interns I helped groups of Americans who came down for a week build a chapel from scratch or do street ministries and work in a village called Cercadillo. Cercadillo is a relatively large village outside of Santo Domingo. The people there are what some refer to as "the unknown" or they have no birth certificates. The dear people of this village are undocumented so the government refuses to recognize them. They are unable to go to school and are unable to get normal, steady jobs. Well about a year ago a lady named Ina "adopted" the village and has been working to give the children a chance at school. This past summer she started a program for them to start teaching them to read and write in spanish and to begin learning a little English. The kids are extremly excited to have this oppertunity. On top of teaching these kids there are other projects too. Every Friday the women of the village come to learn to sew things such as skirts, pillows, bags...ect. It was amazing to see the women complete these projects and how they were so proud of themselves and of eachother. Relationships were being made between the women. It was really neat. Two other projects that were completed this summer in Cercadillo were 2 bathrooms were built and 2 hand pumped wells were built. In one of the pictures above I am filling buckets full of water. This is how the people of Cercadillo used to have to recieve their water. They would have to wait for someone with a well to come and hook it up and fill their buckets. Sometimes this would only happen once a week, which would leave them with very little water to work with. This water is their cooking and bathing water. Now though since the new hand pump wells they are able to get their own water whenever they need it. Its very exciting..... So that is my little spurt on the village of Cercadillo. PS how can you upload photos without them going to the top of the page?? cant. it gets frustrating. you can move them though, once they are uploaded. Usually you cen just click it and pull it down to where you want it. With some browsers (like matts) you have to cut and paste it where you want it. Remind me next time Im over andIll show you!
i loved cercadillo the few times I went there. cant. it gets frustrating. you can move them though, once they are uploaded. Usually you cen just click it and pull it down to where you want it. With some browsers (like matts) you have to cut and paste it where you want it. Remind me next time Im over andIll show you!
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