So this past weekend I took a little trip to visit the biddy (biddy=the bf...just an fyi). That would be us :)
I started my adventure on Friday right after I got out of work at 2. It was rainy and yucky outside and I'm not gonna lie I was not looking forward to what was suppose to be a 5.5 hr drive to VT. Now I say "suppose to be" because this trip took me almost 6.5 hours due to getting lost.....twice. I swear I've never been that bad at directions, but when the GPS is telling you to turn left and there is NO LEFT! I got confused and freaked out. I don't do a good job at staying calm when I get lost by myself. If there is other people with me then I think it's hilarious, but not when I'm alone. Then it is no fun. Anyways...so I get there around 8/ 830. FINALLY. Its amazing how all the frustrations of the drive just seemed to melt away when I got there :)
So yea, that night we went to one of his friends apartment to chill. Kind of akward since I didn't really know anyone, but thankfully I'm realativly decent at being some what sociable and made it through the night. ha ha ok so that made it sound like it wasn't a good time. It was a great time! We played apples to apples (one of my favorite games to play) and these people were pretty funny, so really...what could go wrong?
Saturday was a lazy day. Not much went down. Watched some football (well Brett watched football....I think I was working on school stuff, but don't worry. I wasn't working on school too hard. That would be out of character for me ha ha) However, something in character for me is the kitchen. Or so I thought. I deffinitly made spagettii for dinner that night. And you would think that spagettii is very easy to make. Boil some water, brown the meat, simmer the sauce....and I did all these things. I swear! And yet it turned out kind of weird. Thankfully I don't think B would tell me he didn't like it and he ate it like a sport. So the first "meal" I made was kind of a disaster (or so in my mind it was). I guess I'll work on that. At night we went for a nice walk and met a dog who I named Buddy. He was just walking around doing his own thing until we came by and he seriously followed us forever. Then this chick drove by and saw him, stopped, got out and took him! It was sad. Bye Buddy :(
Sunday was church. If I remember correctly it's called NLCF. No idea what that stands for, but it's the campus church there. It was the third time I've been there and I really really like it. I enjoy the worship and the pastor(s) there and I think the program(s) they have going on there are really neat too. It makes me want to get involved with something here, but I have yet to figure out how to add that into my schedule. The rest of the day was, again, a lazy day. My adventure was pretty relaxing :) OH! ps, so VT apparently is ranked like number one when it comes to their food on campus, ok? So B and I go and get burgers. Holy freakin crap! Really good burger! I think I got one called 'old hickory burger'. yeah ham, burger, bacon, bbq sauce and cheese. It hit point. So good!
Then comes today. I had to travel home. Still a bit bitter about having to be back....anyways....I left around 115pm after meeting up with B for lunch inbetween his classes. Ya know, not that I thought it was going to be easy to say goodbye, but I think that each time we have to say bye it's going to get harder. I guess in an odd way that's good, right? It wouldn't be too good if saying bye was easy. The trip home went much better. I made it in 5.5hrs like your suppose to :) So yeah...in a nut shell that was my fun, little adventure this past weekend :)
ps. the answer to the last riddle was a hole.